Pražský Hrad (Prague Castle)
Praha 1. Hradčany
GPS: 50°5'22.969"N, 14°23'53.409"E
Since its foundation in the 9th century, it has been developing uninterruptedly throughout the last eleven centuries. Originally the resicence of Princes and Kings of Bohemia, since 1918 the seat of the President of the Republic. The most important buildings open to the public: the Old Royal Palace, St. Vitus, St. Wenceslas and St. Adalbert Cathedral, St George´s Basillica, Mihulka Powder Tower, Golden Lane; during the summer season also the Royal Garden with Míčovna (Ball Games hall) and the Summerhouse of Queen Anna.
Praha 1. Loretánské náměstí 7
GPS: 50°5'20.211"N, 14°23'27.425"E
No. 0000
The place of pillgrimare enclosing a copy of the Santa Casa and the Nativity Church.The facade rebuild into the present Baroque shape by K. I. Diezenhofer. The valuable item is the so-called Loreta Treasure containing a famous Diamond Monstrance with 6 222 diamonds. In the tower, there is a carillol.
Strahovský klášter (Strahov Monastery)
Praha 1, Strahovské nádvoří 1/132
GPS: 50°5'12.379"N, 14°23'21.838"E
A Premonstratensian Order Monastery founded in 1140. Within the monastery precincts, there is the Strahov Picture Gallery. Strahov Library with the Baroque Theological Room and the Classicist Philosophy Room, and the Curch of the Assumption.
Petřínská rozhledna (PETRIN VIEW TOWER)
GPS: 50°5'0.019"N, 14°23'42.073"E
The iron tower, 63,5 metres high, was built by F. Prášil from the Czech Toursits Club's motion as a part of Anniversary Exhibition in 1891. It was conceived as a loose copy of the Eiffel Tower and it is cca 5 times smaller than its french preimage. Its glass-covered sightseeing gallery is in the height of 53 metres and it is accessible through 299 stairs. You can enjoy a splendid view over not only Prague but also the tower's wide surroundings. The construction was made by "První českomoravská strojírna" (The First Bohemian-Moravian Machine-Works) in Prague and it weights 170 tons.
Karlův most (Charles Bridge)
Praha 1 – Old Town – Lesser Town
GPS: 50°5'13.304"N, 14°24'28.002"E
or GPS: 50°5'10.149"N, 14°24'50.686"E
Founded in 1357 by Charles IV. By the latest researches its construction was started by Master Otto and finished by Petr Parléř in 1402. On both sides, the bridge is fortified with towers (Lesser Town Bridge Towers, Old Town Brige Tower). The Baroque sculptures and sculptures groups on the bridge are mostly from the 18th century (Matthias Braun, F.M. Brokof, etc.).
Chrám Sv. Mikuláše (St, Nicholas Church)
Praha 1, Malostranské náměstí 25
GPS: 50°5'16.186"N, 14°24'15.285"E
The most remarkable building from the Prague Baroque period with a dominant dome and a belfry, built in 1704 – 1756 (architects: K. Diezenhofer, K. I. Diezenhofer).
Národní divadlo (National Theatre)
Praha 1, Národní 2
GPS: 50°4'53.038"N, 14°24'47.574"E
The Neo-Renaissance building constructed on the basis of the nationwide collections in 1868 – 1881 by the architect J. Zítek and renewed after the fire in 1881 – 1883.
Zrcadlové bludiště(Mirror Labyrinth on Petřín)
GPS: 50°5'0.090"N, 14°23'46.449"E
No: 0000
The labyrinth on Petřín Hill was built as the Czech Tourist Club’s pavilion at the Prague Jubilee Exhibition in 1891. It originally stood near the corner of the Industrial Palace at Prague’s Výstaviště exhibition grounds, but two years later it was relocated to Petřín Hill. A mirror labyrinth leading to a dioramic picture was installed in the right section of the building in place of a panorama of diapositive slides.The second room, known as the Hall of Smiles, was furnished in 1911 with various convex and concave mirrors, which humorously distort people’s reflections. The labyrinth has 31 ordinary and 14 twisted mirrors, but originally there were only 35. The wooden building was completely refurbished in 1975.
Staroměstská radnice s orlojem (Old Town Hall)
Praha 1, Staroměstské náměstí 1
GPS: 50°5'13.024"N, 14°25'15.209"E
Founded in 1338. On its tower, there is the famous horologe from early 15th century, in the upper part of which, the 12 apostles appear every hour between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. In the lower part, there is a calender board containing zodiac signs by Josef Mánes (1865).
Chrám matky boží před Týnem (Church of our Lady before Týn)
Praha 1, Staroměstské náměstí 604
GPS: 50°5'14.919"N, 14°25'18.608"E
One of the most prominent Gothic buildings with Baroque interior, altar paintings by Karel Škréta and the tombstone of the astronomer Tycho de Brahe.
Staronová synagoga (Old-nex Synagogue)
Praha 1, Červená 3
GPS: 50°5'24.549"N, 14°25'8.225"E
No. 0000
An early Gothic building from the 13th century. The oldest preserved synagogue in Central Europe. Nearby there is the Old Jewish Cemetery with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque gravestones.
Obecní dům (Municipal House)
Praha 1, náměstí Republiky 5
GPS: 50°5'14.806"N, 14°25'41.406"E
No. 0000
An Art – Nouveau style building constructed in 1905 – 1911 (A. Balšánek, O.Polívka). The rich interior and exterior decoration is work by A. Mucha, M. Švabinský, J.V. Myslbek, etc. The monumental Smetana Concert Hall is a place of performances of the international music festival Prague Spring,.other concerts and important social events.
Betlémská kaple (Bethlehem chapel)
Praha1, Betlémské náměsti 4
50°5'3.288"N, 14°25'4.054"E
Founded in 1391 sermons in the Czech language. Master John Huss prached here between 1402 – 1413. In 1661 it was altered into a Catholic church by the Jesuits. In 1786 it was pulled down. During the years 1950 – 1952 a replica of the original chapel was constructed on the site (architect J. Fragner).
Prašná brána (Powder Tower)
Praha 1. Na Příkopě
GPS: 50°5'13.603"N, 14°25'40.464"E
A Gothic building from 1475 built by Matěj Rejsek, B. Schnirch. Rebuilt between 1875 - 1866.
Jindřišská věž (st Henry tower)
50°5'6.093"N, 14°25'47.498"E
This tower in the Late Gothic style (1472 – 1476) was built as a separate belfry inspired by Italian models. After the fire of 1745 it has been modified in the Baroque style and in the 1870s it was rebuilt in Neo-Gothic cocept (architect Mocker). The clock on the tower with two cimbaloms dates back to 1577. After extensive recontruction, the tower was opened to the public in 2002. It is the highest separate belfry in Prague, 66 m high and it has ten floors. It provides a view of Prague from the corner turrets, it houses a café, a restaurant and museum of Prague items.
Novoměstská radnice (New Town Hall)
Praha 2, Karlovo náměstí 23
GPS: 50°4'41.305"N, 14°25'17.452"E
No. 0000
A Gothic building complex from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. It includes a tower with Our Lady Chapel, Gothic rooms and a Renaissance hall. In 1377 – 1784, it used to be the seat of the New Town authorities.
Národní muzem (The National Museum)
Praha 1, Václavské náměstí 68
50°4'46.281"N, 14°25'48.236"E
The largest and oldest Czech museum was founded in 1818. Its collections are housed in a monumental Neo-renaissance building built from 1885 – 1890 dominating the top of Wenceslas Square. Permanent exhibitions: Primeval history of the Czech „ands and Slovakia, Mineralogical and petrological collections, zoological collection, palaeontological collection, anthropological collection.
pivovar U Fleku (Brewery u Fleku)
50°4'43.882"N, 14°25'1.874"E
Dark lager - speciální. Unfiltered. 5.5% 13°
Dark brown with a tan head; liquorice, roast and cream aroma; bitterish taste with coffee, hop, raisin and liquorice aromas; bitterish finish with sweet coffee aromas.Beautiful, unfiltered dark beer with very complex flavours. Has, if anything, improved since the brewery renovation in the mid-1980's. Tasted May 2006.