Petřínská rozhledna (PETRIN VIEW TOWER)
GPS: 50°5'0.019"N, 14°23'42.073"E
The iron tower, 63,5 metres high, was built by F. Prášil from the Czech Toursits Club's motion as a part of Anniversary Exhibition in 1891. It was conceived as a loose copy of the Eiffel Tower and it is cca 5 times smaller than its french preimage. Its glass-covered sightseeing gallery is in the height of 53 metres and it is accessible through 299 stairs. You can enjoy a splendid view over not only Prague but also the tower's wide surroundings. The construction was made by "První českomoravská strojírna" (The First Bohemian-Moravian Machine-Works) in Prague and it weights 170 tons.